November 16, 2013

Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII

Outfits view in CAS
Secret door to the basement
Face close view
What's this place?
Learning about his origins
Road to perdition
What have you done? D:
You psycho!
Fanservice :D

Custom content and mods I've used:

Awesomemod by Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus or MasterControler by Twallan for increasing the range     and number of sliders (choose only one of the two mods)
Chin to neck line mod by Heiret
CAS sliders by bella3lek4
Skin FV2 by Ephemera
- Hair by me
- Contacts by Sasha J.
Brows by Arisuka
Crystal Lipstick N9 by Lemonleaf
- Masamune and shoulder pads by namama
- Clothes by EA



Anonymous said...

He lokks nice, thanky for sharing :)
Where did you find the mod for making apples Banora apples?!

DarkWitchVampire said...

Thanks ^w^
The Banora apple is a default replacement and it affects all the apples in the game. You can donwload it here ->

DarkWitchVampire said...

Aww thanks to you for your nice words o///o

DarkWitchVampire said...

No sorry, I don't take requests :/

Anonymous said...

wont let me dowlode it

DarkWitchVampire said...

I've checked the links and they are working perfectly, so I don't know what's the problem :/

Anonymous said...

nope still wont work I need sephiroth very bad because he needs to marry a fat black green man with a rainbow noise and a big butt

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